A pair of captivating eyes

I’ve often felt frustrated in my interactions with HR professionals—something I’ve noticed others express across social media. But the more I reflect, the more I realize how little we actually know about the people behind the job title.

What drives them beyond their social profiles?

What truly catches their attention?

What makes them tick?

In a world where misunderstanding thrives on repetition and lazy questions, it’s time for a change. Enter open source interviewing—where questions evolve, the conversation deepens, and a community shapes what we really want to know.

This blog is my attempt to ask the questions no one else is asking and here are my rules:

  • No recycled clichés.
  • Every question must seek deeper understanding.
  • Interviewees take control by reshaping one question after each session.
  • And above all—respect is non-negotiable.

Join me as we uncover the human behind the HR professional and break the cycle of misunderstanding.